If B ≈ A, Does B Get Bonus Points?

Seriously. If B is almost equal to A (in whatever silly, screwed up equation I've devised), does B get bonus points for being almost exactly the answer? The answer to what is irrelevant. Just believe that.

Let's say A is the standard to which all other letters must aspire. Now, B is pretty damn high up there in all respects, but still can never be A. And yet, while A is the ideal, A is simply not available. Thus one might think B is an adequate substitution for A, being so close and all.

To be fair, there certain properties B possesses that A does not. At this point, one could argue the case for B being the better choice if judge solely on B's own merits. But would B have even been in the running if not for A's absence in the equation? A set the bar high. A has left a very unique imprint and can never truly be replaced. So if A can't be replaced, why bother with B at all? I'll tell ya -- I think a loss of any factor leaves a void to be filled. You fill the void because balance is essential. With A or B, there's no balance.

Still, the question remains: If B is almost equal to A, does B get bonus points for being almost A? And no, C doesn't stand a chance. Nor does D. Forget F. G is absolutely out of the running altogether. Has been from Day 1.

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